Q.Does Struts provide support for Validator & Tiles by default ?
NO.Struts does not provide default support for Validator and Tiles.Additional plugins are required for the purpose
Q.Is there any way to put my custom name to LIB folder which i am going to place in WEB-INF folder of struts application?
No,not possible beacause web servers are strictly denoting the directory structure and names .so that it will recognise that lib is a directory having library files
Q.Can i use bc4j with spring framework
no it is not possible
Q.In struts, if any changes are made to before the request reaches to actionservlet, where you do the changes?
In struts the first to recieve the request is Actionservlet. So, there is no chance for you to make changes before
Q.What are the drawbacks of Struts?
In struts , their is no facility of backward flow.Suppose we are in page 1 and when we submit it calls action mapping page2.Their may be lot of variable stored in session , which is available to page2.Now we wish to go page1 from page 2, for this we have to call the action mapping of page1. But struts flow is always in forward direction. So when we call page 1, values stored in session never get reversed.So it reduces the performance.To resolve this problem of struts, Their is a framework called Web Flow Nevigation Manager(WFNM) of Sourgeforge.net.This framework can be integrated with struts.
Q.How can we work struts on Eclipse? What is the best plugin for this?
Ecclipse work bench provides
Q.What is the difference between a normal servlet and action servlet?
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